Mischief by Anton Chekhov's short stories.Play is in Russian language. Closed captions in English are provided via users' devices (internet access required).Life is quite an unpleasant business, but it is not so very hard to make it wonderful. To feel continuously happy, even in moments of distress and sorrow, the following is needed: (a) To be satisfied with your present state; and (b) To rejoice in the knowledge that things might have been much worse.” This quote by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov formed the main idea of the play based on his short stories.
On a train – stop – wait – and back on a train. People meet at a train station for a very short time that allows them to share a fascinating story about their life with a stranger, and then they each go their separate ways again. Such stories are safely kept in “The Complaints Book” found in the station lounge from time immemorial.
Present Time … Together with the city Doctor who is unwillingly delayed at a small provincial station “Tyutyushi,” we miraculously find ourselves at the end of the 19th century, the time when Anton Chekhov lived and worked. The Doctor is thrown into another time, creating the opportunity to see surprising similarities between him and the writer and allowing both the Doctor and the audience to look at the world through the eyes of Chekov.
Will something change in the Doctor’s life? Will these circumstances help him to be a happy man again?
Purchase ticketsDate and time:Sat, February 19, 2022
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM CST
Location:Courtyard Theater
1517 H Avenue
Plano, TX 75074
Masks are required.